Issue: #0 Fish-c

Beschreibung: 2018: Before the fall of the Harbinger Foundation… Before the opening pages of SECRET WEAPONS #1… Academy Award-nominated writer Eric Heisserer (Arrival) and legendary artist Adam Pollina (X-Force) present all-new, standalone prelude to the year's best-selling independent limited series! Meet high school senior Nikki Finch… She's a gifted athlete with an unusual set of medical ailments and high-aptitude test scores that have drawn the attention of an obscure and little-known NGO calling itself the Harbinger Foundation. With seemingly limitless resources at its disposal, the Harbinger Foundation has just offered Nikki a place in their newest class of recruits for a prestigious, but secretive, mission: to unlock her hidden potential via the invasive, dangerous and often deadly process known as 'psiot activation'...

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Creators: Fish, Veronica Heisserer, Eric Pollina, Adam